Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tangled Snow White

Ever had that moment in life that you don't want to let go of something but you just had to? Does the question seems like very personal? Well, it's because I just had that moment.

What HAPPENED??? After years in long and always long hair, I finally had that courage to have my hair cut this short! A lot of people were shocked when they saw me but I thank God that I got 9 out of 10 positive feedback :">

Moreover, here's what I wore in a debut that I attended last night. The party was themed in different and bright colors and upon knowing that theme, I was just excited because I love dressing up in bright bright colors. I opted to have color blocking from head to foot and as you can see, I have blue, yellow and orange together plus my pink clutch. 

And with this color blocking, I just feel like I got a modern day look of Snow White plus with my new haircut that my friends call as the "tangled" hairdo. Feeling like a princess in a fierce way right? :)

Well, I'll also share with you some of the photos from last night, Camyll's Debut.

She is Camyll Villa-real, she is one of my fellow youth in our church. She is very sweet, kind, sosy and bubbly girl who just turned into a lady last night. No doubt that it was her night for she is very very very beautiful in her gown.

Doing a special number in her party. She is a very graceful dancer too. Talented right? :)

We were part of the 18 Candies, a modified version of 18 candles. Yay! :)

That's it! And in every debut that I attend to, I always feel emotional 'cause I know that every baby princess have to face and embrace the fact that she will soon be a true lady. She'll be making her own decision and will be facing more changes and challenges in life. Well, I pray that the Lord will always with be this young lady as she face another chapter in her life. 

Well, it's true that the only constant thing in this world is change and we just have to be open with it and embrace it for we never know the good behind it that the Lord allowed it to happen. How about you, how do you welcome changes in your life?

Take Care and God bless!
Yna <3

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