Monday, March 10, 2014

Finding Ms. Right

How ironic is it that I’m a lady yet I’m writing about finding the Ms. Right. I’m not being mistaken about this and I would make it clear that I’m not mistaken about my identity as a female, I asure you that I’m 100% woman. (hehe) But yes, I really am going to share my thoughts and realizations about finding the “right” woman.

If you are woman, a lady or a girl like me, I’m pretty sure that you’ve atleast read a book or an article about finding Mr. Right. Personally, I think I’ve read a lot (as in!) and I even search over the net for this. Of course, I got a lot of ideas and I even started to form that ideal guy in mind. And in the end, I still got the conclusion that you have to pray and wait for that guy because he still might be a work in progress. That’s very true.  And I don’t get disappointed each time I read and hear such things.

For a lady like me who’s still waiting and praying (hard) for my God’s best, I can’t help sometimes to feel impatient about it. But lately, as I had a talk about this thing with a friend and my mom, there came to me a realization that made me feel like I would like to ask for the time not to go fast and to still like the time of waiting.
Why? Because, I’ve realized that if I was praying for the right man for me, I think that he too, is praying hard for the best one for him. So if he would meet me now that he has been molded by God,  I would likely say that it would be a mess. If we, women, think that we deserve nothing but the best, I think true men thinks about that too.
So before men start looking for the right women, I think that we, ourselves, should also look for the best women in us. And how would that be possible? Here are some guidelines to check:

1.       A woman does not find her worth on the things she owns and wears
-I can remember one preaching of our pastor where He showed us a 1 thousand peso bill. He asked us that, if he would give it to us, are we going to accept it? Of course, all of us give him our loudest YES. Then he crumpled it and stepped on it several times. After picking it up, he again asked us the same question. Again, without any hesitations, all of us gave him our loudest YES. The same principle goes with our worth, the things that we have and own will not change who we really are and are value. Especially in the eyes of the Lord.
2.       A woman  must know that life isn’t all about vanity  
-Like what one of my favorite verses says, “Beauty is fleeting and charm is deceptive, but woman who feras the Lord shall be praised” (Proverbs 31:30). Our outward appearance will all soon fade but what’s inside will remain, and if it’s the Lord that’s in us, our beauty will surely shine.
3.       A woman must know how to give herself respect
-If we would like to be respected, we must first know how to give it to ourselves. In thelightest sense, we must know how to dress ourselves properly. I’m not saying that we must put about 4-5 layers of clothes but we must always see to it that we choose to always have decency. If a man knows that you know how to value yourself, he then would value you more.
4.       A woman must be selfless
-As soon to be mothers, I believe that a mothers would say that she is full after seeing that there are 4 slices of pie and they are 5 in the family.
5.       A woman looks for long-term commitment
-A woman does not just look for someone who’s likely to have pictures with to post on social media accounts and to have someone whom she could bring over friend’s gatherings. What a woman looks for is a commitment, that means assurance to have someone who would guide her and would be with her through happy and though times.
6.       A woman knows how to submit and to support
-As to what has been commanded in Ephesians 5:22-24, “ Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord.  For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body.  But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.” This is God’s design for the family and the church.
7.       A woman loves unconditionally
-Not only for the women, but also for the men. If we trully give our love, it must be like from  1 Corinthians 13:4-8. We must love others how God showed us His love that even we fail Him a thousand times still His love for us remains.
8.       A true woman has an established relationship with God
-Lastly, the most important part of being the right woman. Having a relationship with God. I believe that everyone’s number one lover is God. And if we do not know how to have a relationship with God, we would also not be able to pray for our partner, be gentle in spirit in times our temper is being tested and to be still amidst all the storms that would come in our lives.

In all these guidelines, I’m honestly still a work in progress. And I know it would take me a long time to develop all these. But if we would think that it this is for our God’s best , I think that would be the sweetest part.

So what else do you think are the qualities of a Ms. Right?

Thank you for reading Loves! God bless J

1 comment:

  1. There’s so many things to consider before picking the ms. right. But as long as you’re happy and contented with her, i think that would be enough. Relationship isn’t suppose to be finding who’s perfect, it’s more on finding the right person and seeing his/her imperfections perfectly.
